Sunday, May 1, 2011

Positive efeects of Love

Change your life with love


What is love? A very difficult thing to express and yet expressed by numerous. One thing is certain love is based on belief and faith. If we love someone we have a faith on him/her.
It can be divided in to two parts, one associated with sex i.e. love with the opposite sex and with an deep desire of getting physically associated, another with the same sex or with some close relative.
Here we talk of first love which is with the opposite sex and is related with the sex. Although that is also related with the faith; but major cause is physical attraction i.e. sex. it is very strong bonding and I think is the strongest form of love if love and faith is also there along with the sex.
Here two forces work together i.e. belief and sex. sex itself has its own force and is capable of changing the life of the person. When we are in love with someone it has certain metabolic reactions attached with it, i.e. certain chemical reactions starts in our mind and body which are called metabolic reactions.
When the love starts there are secretions of certain hormones in our body and our energy level and state of mind changes. The following hormones are secreted in our body by the extra working of glands as they are stimulated.
Dopamine level is increased which is raised when we take alcohol or kokine. Persons who had taken alcohol and loved know the effect of both is same. So many poets narrated it in their own words about the similarity of both nasha.
Adrenalin and Endocrine secretions also increase in the blood by adrenal gland and endocrine gland. These are directly mixed in the blood and increases the heart beats and level of oxygen in the blood. Due to increased level of oxygen and higher heart beats the energy in the body is increased and man becomes more active.
Phenyl ethyl amino level also increases in the blood due to more excitement and men become more active due to the increased level of hormones. 
Oxetocin level in the blood is also increased which gives dashingness.
Following positive changes are done in the body.
Positive effects of love on the body  
1.     Physical energy level is raised.
2.     Dashingness is increased.
3.     Less requirement of sleep and rest as negative harmones level in the blood causing fatigue is decreased.
4.     More calories are consumed and extra weight is lost and is a best way of slimming.
5.     Level of cholesterol is decreased and lesser danger of heart attack.
6.     Anxiety is increased but with positive effects as is done when we achieve a great success.
7.     Successful love increases self esteem.
8.     Increases level of self confidence.
9.     Fighting spirit is increased. One can fight with the negatives.
10.                        Relieves stress and avoids further formation of stress.
11.                        Boosts immunity and person is able to fight the illness and even to death. There are examples that when a person met his/her love or achieved it, he/she was able to fight the dreadful illness in which he/she was trapped earlier.
12.                        It helps in reducing pain. The increased level of hormones (Dopamione) acts as pain reliever.
13.                        It improves your concentration and your memory is sharpened.

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