Wednesday, April 27, 2011

GOD Made This Earth and Universe

THIS is a book describing how nature played an important role in bringing human beings to earth and also the universe was planned to come along with the solar system and earth. it was not all accidental, but a preplanned and well thought. We define nature as all the living things and nonliving things combined which are not made by men. There is a hand of nature we may call god in it. i studied various factors and forces of nature in the book.


We all have heard the words Nature Life and Consciousness and understand their meaning in general .Nature as all the things living or nonliving surrounding us and occur naturally. Consciousness as alertness or awareness .Life as well understand being ourselves; which live and produce young ones .But if there is any link between the three we never bother to think. If each affects others yes nature as weather as natural calamities affect our life and existence. Why this happens how this happens we never think. But what about science and philosophy what it thinks about this. Nature is least defined in philosophy. It is the field of naturists. For the other two: consciousness is taken as the property of mind and hence of life so related with each other as object and property.

So before going into the topic nature consciousness and life let us take another sequence as life mind and consciousness which is accepted by scientists and philosophers jointly. Sequence clarifies itself what we think about the topic. We consider life as fundamental and mind developed later on as its property and consciousness as its property or characteristic. Up to the level of mind it is right. Mind is needed and is there only in living beings. Consciousness at last level shows it as property of mind, byproduct of mind. So by taking mind in between life and consciousness we say that mind is necessary for consciousness. If no mind, no consciousness. This title and sequence has served so many purposes for us.

1. All the non living things discarded from the study.

2. By taking consciousness as byproduct of mind, all plants and animals not having brain were rejected / discarded from the list.

3. Even the animals having brain were also discarded from study on the account they don’t have mind which is believed to be in human beings only.

4. Science better to say scientists discard mind and consciousness both on the account that these both are properties of brain and so give a very clear definition i.e. alertness or awareness. As per Oxford / Webster’s dictionary it is state of being mentally awake to ones surroundings and automatically rejects all animals from the list.

5. Philosophy takes consciousness as the property of mind that too developed mind or brain better to say human mind and gives definition as awareness, thinking, memory, knowledge and logic and discards animals lesser developed than human beings. So all the stress was to prove that we are the best. Which is the result of I, (ego). Ego is a basic property of development of creatures or nature itself so ego was granted to human beings. Even the animals close to human beings (pets) have ego which flows into them as induction effect. So ego is a fundamental quality / characteristic.

6. Here philosophers and scientists joined hands and both saying human is the best. Science at brain level is satisfied and philosophers at the level of mind or consciousness say we are the best so as target was wrong, the decision is also wrong. There was nothing to have ego or to prove we are the best, we are and beyond any doubt we are the best.

7. When we talk spiritually, we talk of pure consciousness, we consider it as atman. All saints’ holy men and all religions say that every living being irrespective of brain / mind has ataman (soul) with no distinction or difference. Ataman is there in all living beings as accepted by all religions (Hindu, Jainism etc) and is same with out any difference as it has no physical properties of brain and mind. So consciousness can be either linked with brain (having property like awareness) or to soul which has no property of brain or mind and just can’t be seen or felt.( I am interested in this definition)

8. Scientists link it with brain and to avoid conflict philosophers also joined hands with scientists and accepted consciousness as property of brain / mind. Then a conflict rose with in philosophy as what is mind. What is difference between mind and consciousness? What is difference between mind and brain? There becomes a mesh of things because of making coordination between various theories. It was just difference of words or difference of seeing the same fact from different angles. Some properties were judged by some persons and some by different persons and different names were given. Ataman was studied by saints with the meditation and consciousness name was given by science / philosophers. It was linked more with outer world and brain. So from scientific point of view it is much related with brain and outer world where as ataman is purely heavenly and out of world experience, something which never die and take birth. In the forthcoming chapters it will be discussed.

9. Saints gone even a step farther and linked ataman with parmantaman (god) and told that parmantaman (GOD) is every where in living or nonliving i.e. matter and even with out matter there is existence of parmantaman. Parmantaman linked every living with nonliving. It is same undivided singular identity. It is same in hunter and prey, same in killer and the killed. Killer has same god as killed so they never differentiated in humen or animal or stone. When general people known this who has no feeling / experience of God they got confused, disturbed. (To me it is right, absolute and true in regard of nature. I reached to this definition in the middle of the book when writing the chapter of Ecological Balance. There I felt and wrote Nature doesn’t differentiate between lion and goat, both are equally lovable to it and so does to the GOD) It sounded very odd to them. They can’t believe God can kill or hate. So these people created shaitan (devil). Who is doing all evils and people doing good deeds are associated with God and worshiper of God. But they never explained who created devil? Where it lives and what are its functions? It is only our mind, our lust, our desire for money which pushes us it to evils. But to Nature it is all natural rather essential for growth Nature while gifting doesn’t differentiate between lion and goat. It is fundamental law of nature LAW OF COMPETENCY. All the progress in nature was a result of competency for survival, for food, and certainly sexual lust or sexual competency.

10. I very much believe as discussed in the book that consciousness as some thing different from mind and resembling to ataman and linked to GOD or Nature we can say. Ataman is old and obsolete word and consciousness is modern scientific word but the consciousness I am discussing in the book is something more near to ataman then simple awareness.

11. Consciousness and conscious both words are away from meditation which means in deep thoughts and least aware. Consciousness is more near to meditation then simple alertness. M Meditation to me is a state of mind when you are so deep in thoughts or so thoughtless so senseless that you are cut from outer world and body. To me this state is achieved by immersing in one thought to the depth that nothing reaches to you that is a state of semi unconscious and you become thoughtless in the process. Thought not necessarily be of GOD, it may be of love or science or any fiction or any thing of ultimate interest. ANY THING WHICH CUTS YOU FROM OUTER WORLD IS MEDITATION OR CONCENTRATION.CONSCIOUSNESS TO ME RESEMBLES MORE WITH CONCENTRATION AND MEDITATION THAN AWARENESS. Awareness resembles consciousness at one point when you are totally aware i.e. aware to the extent that no thought comes to you. If we are standing on a stool with three legs and if we loose the balance we are going to fall to death then we are so alert that no thought comes to us. WHEN WE ARE SO DEEP IN A THOUGHT THAT ALL OTHER THOUGHTS ARE LOST THEN WE WILL SEE MAIN THOUGHT IS ALSO LOST. THIS IS MEDITATION. Maximum scientists observed this state of mind and maximum important inventions / discoveries are done in this state of mind. Here my interest is not to discuss spirituality but my aim is to discuss LOVE a major force which nature used in creation and development.

So in nutshell we can say that series life, mind and consciousness is wrong and it should be Nature Consciousness and life the title of the book. My main emphasis in the book is to study various laws of nature and to study how it works and have impact on human beings. What I found is that consciousness was always present even before the earth or solar system or even universe. Previously it was as nature later on as the life came into existence individual consciousness came in to existence.

Before discussing the present theories and their shortcomings let’s first understand what is Nature? What is Consciousness? And what is life? I never got a true definition of nature while I was studying. All I got is natural world surrounding us not created by man is nature. The meaning of nature or translation in Hindi is prakriti. Hindu religion gives its definition as: Prakriti is the mother and God is father, which also comes in" geeta ji". When I was in tenth class and studied Darwin Theory I got the image of nature as a woman and God as a purusha which was supported and might be brought by my spiritual background as also established by Christianity. According to which humanity was brought in to existence by Adam and Eve. So nature was something related to God and its part or power only and works as magic not as per law.

Now while I was writing this book or even earlier when I studied Darwin I tried to find out the definition of nature and its properties, to my despise I couldn’t found any proper definition. Darwin wrote so many laws of nature but never explained nature or gave its definition. He only emphasized its laws as Law of Evolution, Law of Natural Selection but no where tried to give exactly what is nature and how it operates. Karl marks studied so many forces of society and their effects on human being and society but he also never gave any definition. He emphasized that a man is impressed by the environment physical social and religious and human beliefs but never considered any impact of nature or consciousness on human beings. So a proper definition of nature must be there before going in to the chapters.


 The definition available is

Nature in broadest sense is equivalent to natural world, physical world or material world. Nature refers to the phenomena of physical world and also to life in general. It ranges in scale from subatomic to cosmic.

The word nature is derived from Latin word natura, which meant birth. So definition of nature from origin is: Nature is that what gives birth which is very much same as in Indian philosophy. Natura was a Latin translation of word physis which originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants and animals other features of the world developed on their own accord.

The word nature is used today as the general realm of various types of living beings i.e. plants and animals and in some cases to the processes associated with inanimate objects- the way that particular types of things exists and change of their own accord, such as weather and geology of the earth and the matter and energy of which all the things are composed of. It is often taken to mean as the natural environment or wilderness-wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches and in general those things that have not been made by or altered by human intervention or which persists even after human intervention. The term natural is distinguished from super natural and artificial
The definition doesn’t give as how nature selects. To me nature is super consciousness which is aggregate of all individual consciousness of living and nonliving (matter). This way all individuals or individual consciousness is linked with nature and nature as being aggregate acts on the group as a whole not on individual. The main fundamental aim of nature is to progress consciousness as is clear in the book. For obtaining its goal nature has some principles called laws of nature. To understand nature fully we must have definition of consciousness.


Consciousness is the unifying force between individuals of a specie and between the species of the same type( herbivorous or carnivorous) where when one specie reduce in no or force the other specie of the group increases in strength so as to maintain the equilibrium or balance and is the unifying force between the species of different group or between different groups (herbivorous and carnivorous) which are linked with food chain reaction i.e. all the living being as a whole are linked with each other. We can say in nut shell that all the living beings and nonliving are linked with each other and maintain ecological balance. Consciousness is the force of development and evolution.

Definition of life is very much clear- Any thing which consumes and reproduces energy and reproduce or replicate to increase its population.

So nature, consciousness and life are all interrelated with each other, by evolution and progress. All individuals is an identity and linked with each other through conscious force and sum of total is nature. So all are inter linked and nature comes at first place and controls individual consciousness under some laws called laws of nature. Although laws are same for all but there are set of controversial laws and nature will act according to which law depends upon ecological balance. My effort in this book is to study these laws which gave birth to humanity, life and created situation for that. By studying these laws we can know so much about nature.

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